Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Hilton Family

Bula Vinaka!!

One of the project I have taken on since I have been in Fiji is working at the Hilton Special School.Today was one day of many that I will be working at Hilton School in Suva, Fiji. The students and the teachers at the school are truly incredible. The teachers have so much patience for these children and love and care for them like their own children. The students at Hilton, even though they are physically and mentally disabled, and some have hearing impairments, the way that they interact with each other can only be described by one word. FAMILY. They learn together, pray together, play together, encourage each other, help each other, and love each other. I feel so privileged to be a new member of their family. I love watching the children push other disabled students around in their wheelchair, and cheer for each other when one gets a math problem correct. I have already learned so much from these children and can't wait to see what else I will learn. I had the opportunity, with the help of another volunteer, to substitute teach a class of 6 students at a 2nd grade academic level. We taught them about the family, spelling, how to print the letter "F", math, and how to work together by putting puzzles together. It was the most challenging, yet most rewarding day I have had yet since I have been in Fiji. Just from this one experience, I learned to discipline children, have patience with children, I have found a new love for children, and new teaching methods. I have a whole new respect for special needs teachers. There is so much of a need at Hilton School. I can't wait to continue to serve these wonderful people and be apart of their family.

Here are a couple of picture I have taken since I have been at the school.

 These kids definitely have a place in my heart. I love these kids and I love Fiji!!!

1 comment:

  1. Heidi I am so proud of you! These are such cute pictures and they sound like such great kids!
